Manage Your Acne Tips & Info

Knowledge is essential when it comes to managing and effectively treating your acne. The following materials have proven useful to millions of people in helping them manage and treat their acne.


This is a book by Mike Walden on steps to clear acne and leave one with a clear smooth skin. The program runs between 30-60 days and the sufferer is guaranteed total transformation. 

The author is a former acne sufferer but now a medical researcher, nutritionist and health consultant and gives tips on how to cure acne permanently within the recommended two months, stop break outs and remove all kinds of scars, with fully illustrated guides. 

It basically teaches affected persons how to achieve a clear skin without the use of drugs or ointments and clears all kinds of acne on the affected body parts including the face, chest and back. He also talks about basic facts about acne one being that it’s not just a skin disorder but a sign of serious inner imbalance that cannot be cure by just creams and cleansers.

He therefore gives tips on how to cure acne permanently and prevent it from reoccurring without the use of over the counter medicines. He also brings to an end the conflicting advice given on acne, its causes and cure. His method is Holistic recommended for people suffering from acne both teenagers and adults.


This is a book authored by Sean Lowry a medical researcher who was a former scar sufferer and now gives tips on how to get rid of scars effectively and without expensive or risky procedures. 

The book disputes many doctors’ advice that one cannot get rid of scars without expensive creams or procedures, and gives remedies and techniques that are not as expensive but would get rid of the scars effectively and permanently. 

The outlined tips eradicate all kinds of scars from acne: fresh scars, accident scars and burns among others, restoring the skins natural colour and preventing them from reoccurring. The program given eliminates the scars in less than three months and not only saves money but also helps one regain self esteem and confidence. 

The recommended products are natural, clinically proven, dermatologist approved and tested by the writer. They start showing results within the first  week and are therefore recommended for persons with scars and who would like to get rid of them, with live testimonials of persons who have had their lives changed by the program.


This is a book by McNamara who is also a skin therapist and medical researcher who gives a program on how to get rid of scars permanently. She discourages the use of expensive creams and surgeries as a way of getting rid of scars, because there is no point in that, it’s just a way of medical practitioners and cream making companies making money and not giving the clients the desires effect. 

She reveals the big secrets of eradicating scars at the comfort of one’s home without having to visit a doctor or emptying the bank account in order to afford the ‘over the counter’ medicines given.

She offers a natural and permanent solution on how to get rid of scars on the face and other parts of the body regardless of how long they have been there. It also gives a comprehensive guide on the different types of treatment to be applied on the different types of scars and also how to avoid future scars. 

There is also an explanation on the different products in the market that are a waste of money to the consumer. The secrets have been reviewed by Dr. Christian Cole and have been proven to be 100% effective, and without side effects like many other products. They are recommended for people with all kinds of scars regardless of the cause, with testimonials of people who have tried the same.


This is a book on how to get rid of acne, retrieve e clear skin and ensure the scars disappear. These tips are safe, natural and drug free without side effects on the user. They help cure all kinds of acne from simple rushes to blackheads, white heads and cysts. It helps get rid of them without creams, lotions and masks. It is also a permanent solution. 

It gives a comprehensive explanation to the causes of acne and disputes myths to the causes of acne believed by people, like sweat and hygiene. The book therefore concentrates on the three ways to clear acne named; unclogging pores, killing bacteria and minimizing oil and gives a vivid explanation on how to achieve this. 

It is recommended for persons suffering from acne and is meant to help them restore their skin and natural beauty, by helping to fade away the evidence that they had acne before and also to not only feel confident in themselves but also keep healthy.


This book gives a guide on how to clear skin in as little as 24hours and also gives tips on how celebrities, actors and models create and maintain beautiful, vibrant skins without expensive cosmetics. 

The author, Hems, is a skin specialist who explains facts that outside beauty is an important thing in every human being because of their prejudicial nature that makes them tend to judge by looks.  This therefore prompts the professionals to make products that are unhealthy and ineffective to their hungry clients. 

The book gives tips on how to acquire a flawless skin and gives a number of testimonials who have tried the secrets and have achieved the desired effect. She has recommended different skin products for different people basing on the fact that different people have different skin types and therefore need different products. 

In this book, she clearly examines the different types of skins, reasons for acne development, vitamin and food supplements that can enhance beauty among other things.


This is a guide on sensitive skin, stopping acne and aging among other things by use of natural means within just 72 hours or less. It gives solutions on acne, acne scars, deep wrinkles age spots, leathery skin among, worries on skin cancer, ultra- sensitive skin, dry or fakery skin among other things. 

The guide gives a new skin care routine that will make a remarkable difference on being adhered to. It gives the reader a new perspective away from the same old stories like use of benzoyl peroxide on acne infested skin. 

The writer, in this book, gives advice about this because she has learnt from trial and error, observation and trial and research. He does not want more people misled into skin care products that do not that do not work and instead make the situation worse. These products talked about here are meant for those infected by acne and helps the regain their natural and original skin, and those aging age supernaturally. 

Those who want a flawless skin with less wrinkles, smaller pores, softer, smoother, tighter, firmer and thicker will find this useful.


This book contains a complete list of home remedies used by professionals holistic practitioners, that has been prepared by a naturopathic doctor. The medicines offered have been thoroughly researched and gives almost instant relief to the symptoms. 

The author Charles Silverman is a certified Naturopathic and Home Remedies expert who gives simple tips on simple home found things and their medical effect explaining how they can impact the body’s health.  

After attending international conventions and trainings, he is ready to share the discoveries of new natural cures, that can cure common illnesses like flu, headache and diarrhoea. He even touches on sensitive illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure and prevention of cancer using simple remedies and without involving expensive and dangerous chemical based medicines. 

Unlike most drug companies that spend most of their time on marketing their products than researching and proving their medicines, they prioritize their clients and target all households prone to falling sick.


This book is on how to ultimately and naturally clean the body, it teaches the reader ho to naturally detoxify the body giving 68 foods that help detoxify the body naturally.  

It gives simple tips how to acquire the desired results without using detox drinks, or herbal detoxicants  or even powders and other supplements. It also targets overweight people and shows them how they can lose their weight uniformly. 

Apart from tips to detoxify the body it also teaches how increase energy, signs of unhealthy lifestyle, reasons to change that lifestyle, the foodstuffs to take in order to achieve this, ways to detoxify stress among other things. Irina Wardas is the author and Natural Counsellor who takes the reader through the required steps and benefits of detoxification. This is important for every human being because keeping a healthy body is an important aspect of living.


The author, Louise Griffin, brings to market a fast acting acne treatment that is very effective to give an acne free skin. She is a naturopath who has extensively researched on the same to come up with permanent solutions. 

This is an easy guide to eradicate all kinds of skin problems both modern and ancient skin maintaining therapies. The doctor discourages the use of modern acne drugs because they are laden with chemicals and instead encourages the use of natural products she has invented also because it cures instantly overnight. 

It helps treat a wide range of skin infections from severe acne, cysts, blackheads, whiteheads, large pores, oily skin among other things.  It guarantees a clear skin within 24hours without incurring much expense. It has no recorded side effects and targets people with persistent acne or has healed from the same but still have scars. 

It is a sure product and proven because it has been tasted on over 1000000 people and all of them could obviously not be coincidentally wrong.


The author Amanda Mahony gives a complete naturopathic guide on how to diagnose and cure acne once and for all. The book gives various causes of the condition and solutions to help in the recovery of  a healthy, soft skin. 

The book is written from self experience as the author admits having suffered serious acne in her late 20s that caused her embarrassment. She therefore targets people suffering from the same and wants to save them from trauma of having acne. 

Being a naturopath and nutritionist she has covered a wide range of questions that the reader could have on acne including the causes and cure. She therefore gives a clear guide on self treatment of acne including dietary, eating of skin supper foods and other steps to work out a perfect skin. 

This therapy is proven because the research was worked out for 16 year and the testimonials of people who have used the same and achieved the desired results. 


The author, Laura Wood, gives all the information on how to treat scars. She gives the advice from both the professional and home view where she gives effective remedies of scar removal using home made products. 

The author targets people with acne and wants to build their self esteem  and self confidence. The treatment is less expensive unlike visiting a dermatologist or other health experts to consult. 

It intends to help people deal with scars, self acceptance issues and boost confidence. The simple tips are in the guide and some of the information included has been found from health experts and extensive research meant to help the ordinary people being traumatized by acne.


The author, David ‘The Skin’ King, has brought a new therapy but before giving the details of what it entails he gives a brief story of his encounter with acne and the kind of traumatizing and humiliating experience it made him undergo in his early teenage  until he found the permanent solution. 

He acknowledges the fact that there are many dangerous products on the market but advocates for the safe and simple means that he used to fight  acne giving the program step by step. 

It is a proven means of acne because it has been tested and has helped a lot of people around the world. The targeted group especially is those suffering  from acne, a skin disorder and is meant to clear them and give them a perfect skin they have always desired as it boosts self esteem.


Here the reader is taught how to acquire beauty treatments and facial treatments that work without costing much. The products are effective and natural, not loaded with chemicals that may at the end harm  the user. 

Sue Dolan, who is a researcher and instructor on anti-aging skin outs,  gives tips on how to fight and win against skin conditions such as wrinkles , sagging skin, acne breakouts, dry skin, oily skin among other things. 

She discusses  the natural skin products, natural anti- biotics and spirits among other things meant to keep the skin healthy. She targets every one interested in keeping a healthy skin and includes teachings on how to make home made skin products that are natural and less harmful to the skin and rest of the body. She gives the positive  skin care tips and guarantees instant change.